Timmy Davis? Steve Chapin? Chris Coddington? Jimmy Moloney? Chris DiCesare? Dan
Petkanas? Who was the greatest natural talent in the league's history? Most people would choose from the aforementioned names
in answering that question. Not me. In my opinion, Brian Gordon belongs at the top of the list.
A comparison of statistics is unavoidable in a discussion such as this. And in that regard,
'Gordo' cannot even begin to compete with those commonly mentioned. Although Brian has won both an MVP Award
and a Cy Young Award, his lifetime IRA of 2.38 ranks fourth, more than double that of Timmy Davis. His eight career victories
are not even a third of the 25 that Coddington posted. He never hit .800 like Jimmy Moloney or Steve Chapin, and his best
yearly homer total of 41 in 1997 is equal to what DiCesare has hit in two good games.
Nor does Gordo seem to have that 'intangible' aspect to him. There is no mythic nickname like
Dan 'Shoeless' Petkanas or Kyle 'Inch Worm' Davidson. So why is it that I am claiming that Gordo is the most talented player
of all time? Simple.
As we sat at our wrapper covered table at Burger King last week, I thanked Gordo for the lunch
he so graciously had purchased for me. It was just as I preferred: a double whopper, no ketchup or mayo. He seemed almost
annoyed that I would be so thankful. Afterall, he posited, hadn't I eaten over 39,420 meals prior to this? And he was
But there was one thing I could do for him, he added as leaned close to me (his hand rubbing
the back of my neck as though I was part of The Big Brother/Big Sister program): You can name me the Greatest Wiffleballer
of all time.
I thought about it for a moment, then laughed. Brian did not laugh. "I'm serious," he said
"You want me to take your burger back? Don't think I won't do it right now."
Moving quickly, I slid my meal away from him. Perhaps he had a valid point. And the fries were
perfect on this day. I hastily agreed.
Without further background, here is why Brian Gordon is the greatest Wiffleballer of all:
It got his hand off of my neck.